High Sky Adventures Parachute Club
High Sky Adventures Parachute Club
Skydiving in Colorado
Website: www.highskyadventurespc.com Address: 60298 Hwy 50 Penrose, Colorado 81240 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 73 Penrose, Colorado 81240 Contact: Phone: (719) 337-8143 Drop Zone: (719) 784-4007 Email: freefaller1949@yahoo.com |
High Sky Adventures Parachute Club, Inc.,
Provides the finest in services to our customers.
Our training center employs instructors who follow standards set by United States Parachute Association (USPA) and American Parachute Association (APA). Our instructors are dedicated to teaching solid skills so you, the student, are assured a safe and fun adventure.
Only state-of-the-art equipment is used from the square parachutes to radio communications.
You’ll find professionalism from the classroom to equipment sales and repair to expertly prepared and maintained aircraft.
High Sky Adventures is eager to guide you through a wonderful new world the World of Skydiving!
From: Colorado Springs & Denver
Take I-25 South to Exit 135 Turn Right
On South Academy to Hwy 115 Turn Left
Stay on Hwy 115 (Approximately 35 Minutes)
Turn Right Onto HWY 50 (West)
Turn Left at Fremont County Airport
(Approximately 3 1/2 Miles)
Definition of a Veteran:
A Veteran – whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve – is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America”, for an amount “up to and including my life.”
That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.
— Author Unknown
We have several members of our staff who are veterans and we thank all the men and women who have served or are serving in the military!
Thank You!
The Staff
This is where an instructor is attached to your back and you free fall for a period of time, depending on altitude attained, and the parachute is deployed and the instructor flies you into the drop zone.
Classroom time is about 15 minutes and your on your way.
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The Static Line Progression Course is the classic method of learning to skydive. The Course consists of 14 levels where you learn all the basics of Skydiving. Your student Ground School takes 4-5 hours of training to prepare to safely exit the aircraft and fly the State-of-the-art, Square Parachute.
However, the Ground School and your First Jump can usually be completed on the same day. You begin your jumps with a Staticline, which automatically opens your parachute as you exit the aircraft at 3500 feet above the ground. As you progress, you make short Freefall jumps without the Staticline and progress to longer freefalls.
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