Learn to Wakeboard: Information, Locations, Wake Parks, Equipment

The boat will travel at different speeds to accomodate the wakeboarder. The typical speed is 20-25 miles per hour. A true wakeboarding boat will sport a “wakeboard tower” which raises the pull point to around 7 feet above the surface of the water. The purpose of a higher pull point is that it allows the boarder better control. A boat is convenient but not necessary. Cable wakeboarding is a much cheaper way to enjoy the sport. Cables are set up on closed courses to pull wakeboarders across the water.
The board is made from either foam or honey comb and is coated with fiberglass. Attached to the board are fins and bindings which can each be adjusted for personal preference. For example, the fins can be moved to the center of the board for quicker release from the wake. The fins are interchangeable and the selection depends upon what type of tricks the wakeboarder is interested in. Smaller fins will not reach very far into the water and are perfect for surface tricks. Longer fins release from the water better and allow more control while riding obstacles.
List of maneuvers:
911, Air Krypt, Back Mobe, Basket Flip, Batwing, Bel Air, Blind Judge, Blind Pete, Boardslide, Butter Slide, Crow Mobe, Dev-glass, Dum-Dum, Fashion air, Fruit Loop, G-Spot, Half-cab, Heelside Backroll, Heelside Roll to Blind, Heelside Roll to Revert, Hoochie Glide, KGB, Krypt, Moby Dick, Osmosis 540, Pete Rose, Raley, S-Bend, S-Bend 720, S-Bend to Blind, Scarecrow, Surface 360, Tantrum, Tantrum to Blind, Tantrum to Revert, Toeside Backroll, Toeside Front Flip, Toeside Frontroll, Toeside Roll to Revert, Tootsie Roll, Tweety Bird, and Whirlybird
List of grabs:
1 2, AB, Canadian Bacon, Chicken Salad, Crail, Indy, Melon, Method, Mute, Nosegrab, Nuclear, Roast Roast Beef, Seatbelt, Slob, Stalefish, Suicide Grab, Tailfish, Tailgrab, Taipan Air, and Tindy
Wakeboarding at Lake Sinclair near Milledgeville, Georgia
The Wakeboarding Video
Maine Wakesports, LLC: First Ride of 2012