Kitesurfing in Rhode Island
Kitesurfing in Rhode Island
Kitesurfing / Kiteboarding Surf Shops, Locations, Companies, Equipment
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We have yet to find a business listing for kitesurfing in Rhode Island although we are still searching. It appears the majority of kitesurfing is done by individuals with their own gear. Are you familiar with a company for kitesurfing in Rhode Island? Please recommend a company or popular location for kitesurfing in Rhode Island. Adventurers from around the world will benefit from your submission.
Kitesurfing (also known as kiteboarding) has gained a lot of popularity over the years. Kitesurfing is a surface water sport which utilizes the power of the wind with a kite while riding a kiteboard. Using a kite allows the surfer to ride practically anywhere on the open water. Records of more than one hundred miles have been recorded. With kitesurfing, the sport of surfing is no longer restricted to the waves the ocean throws ashore. Most kitesurfing takes place along ocean shores but the sport is not limited to the ocean. Large lakes are also a great place to kitesurf.
GoPro® HD Cameras: Kiteboarding Movie
GoPro® HD Cameras: Kitesurf Cuba, Cayo Guillermo Mars 2012 [re-edit]
GoPro® HD Cameras: Kiteboarding in Cape Town from a GoPro POV
GoPro® HD Cameras: RB Kite Quest – France 2012