Kite Enterprises
Kite Enterprises
Hang Gliding & Paragliding
Hang Gliding in Texas
Kite Enterprises has been around since 1973.
It’s owned and operated by Dave Broyles out of Allen, Texas.
Directions to Indian Creek Flight Park:
Coming from Dallas:
Go north on US75 towards McKinney.
Go 4.1 miles past SR380 on US75 to SR121 North exit.
Exit on SR121 North, and go 13.7 miles NE to SR 160.
Turn right on SR160 and go south for approximately 1/2 mile to SR78.
Turn left on SR78 towards Leonard.
Go 1.9 miles on SR78 to Nobility which is a very small town consisting of about 3 houses and some mobile homes.
In the center of Nobility, turn left on FM4910 to the north.
Go north about .55 miles on FM4910, (the road zigs left and right) until you hit a T intersection.
Turn right at the T intersection and go about 1/4 mile.
The road will turn left, but there is a gate on the right. You are there.
Hang Gliding:
Kite Enterprises teaches hang gliding and paragliding on the weekends, using the Scooter Tow stationary winch. Classes usually start at 8 AM or 9 AM depending on the time of year and the weather, and are conducted primarily at Indian Creek Flight Park about 40 miles north-east of Dallas at Nobility, Texas.
The Intro Package consists of an introductory ground school and 2 lessons. In these lessons, you will learn the basics of setting up a hang glider, preflighting the glider and putting on the harness. You will learn the basics of ground handling and launching the glider. You will complete at least 6 close-to-the-ground hang glider flights under tow with the scooter tow system.
The Novice package includes up to 12 hang glider lessons. This package is planned to bring a student to a novice rating. The novice rating, also called the HANG 2 is considered to be the minimum rating necessary for a pilot to fly on his own without direct supervision of an instructor.
Equipment Requirements:
For the first lesson, a student is expect to show up in long pants, jeans are fine, and running shoes or lightweight hiking boots. All flying gear will be supplied. We will also have drinking water. It is recommended that you bring food as the lesson will require a lot of energy.
As the student progresses, he/she is expected to start acquiring flying gear. A harness with a reserve parachute will be necessary for the student’s first high flights in thermalling conditions. It is also very valuable for the student to finish training on his/her own glider.
Lessons will be primarily via Scooter Tow, but at least one lesson will be from a mountain flying site. Buffalo Mountain in Southeastern Oklahoma is the site most often used for the student’s first mountain flights. Fees related to flying at these sites will be the responsibility of the student.
Classes will meet behind the Southwest Soaring building in the trailer parking lot.
Lessons are by appointment. The Student should call 972-390-9090 to make an appointment for a lesson. Students will also be expected to call 972-390-9090, (press 4) around 10:30 PM on the night before the lesson or before 7 AM on the morning of the lesson to determine if weather conditions such as rain or strong winds will cause the lesson to be postponed. A message should be left on the voice mail so we will know you have called.
Kite Enterprises teaches hang gliding and paragliding on the weekends, using the Scooter Tow stationary winch. Classes usually start at 8 AM or 9 AM depending on the time of year and the weather, and are conducted primarily at Indian Creek Airpark about 40 miles north-east of Dallas at Nobility, Texas.
The Intro Package consists of an introductory ground school and 2 lessons. In these lessons, you will learn parachute landing falls, (PLFs), the basics of laying out a paraglider, preflighting the paraglider and putting on the harness. You will learn the basics of ground handling and kiting the canopy overhead. You will complete three close to the ground paraglider flights under tow with the scooter tow system.
The Novice package includes up to 12 lessons. This package is planned to bring a student to a novice rating. The novice rating, also called the PARA 2 is considered to be the minimum rating necessary for a pilot to fly on his own without direct supervision of an instructor.
Equipment requirements:
For the first lesson, The paraglider student is expect to show up in long pants (jeans are fine), and running shoes or lightweight hiking boots and have a pair of light leather gloves. All flying gear will be supplied.
As the student progresses, he/she is expected to start acquiring flying gear. A harness with a reserve parachute will be necessary for the student’s first high flights in thermalling conditions. It is also very valuable for the student to finish training on his/her own glider.
Lessons will be primarily via Scooter Tow, but at least one lesson will be from a slope flying site. Murcheson Middle School in Austin is the site most often used for the student’s first slope flights. Fees related to flying at these sites will be the responsibility of the student.
Lessons are by appointment. The Student should call 972-390-9090 to make an appointment for a lesson. Students will also be expected to call 972-390-9090, (press 4) the evening before the lesson or before 7 AM on the morning of the lesson to determine the weather conditions, as rain or strong winds will cause the lesson to be postponed. A message should be left on the voice mail so we will know you have called. A lesson will not be scheduled unless the student confirms that he/she will attend. Students who fail to show for confirmed lessons will be charged for an extra day of instruction.
Tandem Paragliding Lessons:
Fly with a USHGA advanced tandem instructor to learn what paragliding is all about.
The passenger will get either three regular flights up to 1000 ft, or a soaring flight. The soaring flight is dependent on conditions.
Make an appointment by calling Dave Broyles at 972-390-9090
Powered Paraglider Training:
Kite Enterprises teaches powered paragliding to pilots with a USHGA PARA2 rating and their own motor unit. Classes are conducted primarily at Indian Creek Airpark about 40 miles north-east of Dallas at Nobility, Texas.
A course of powered paraglider instruction includes up to 2 lessons. If the powered paraglider was purchased from Kite Enterprises, instruction comes with the powered paraglider.
Many schools teach flying a powered paraglider in the most abbreviated form possible as their goal is to sell power units, not to teach pilots to fly paragliders safely. Since there is no requirement for a rating to purchase or fly a powered paraglider, this approach is possible, but not in the best interests of the student.
There is a saying that paragliding is easy to learn but difficult to master. This saying goes doubly for flying a paraglider with a motor. If a pilot flies only early in the morning or late in the day in light winds, then a powered paraglider is relatively forgiving. However… One of the really enjoyable things for which a powered paraglider can be used is to gain altitude for thermalling in the middle of the day. The USHGA considers the PARA2 rating to be the minimum reasonable qualifications for mid-day flight. The pilot should know how to do parachute landing falls, reserve deployments, how to land safely in turbulence, and how to descend through strong lift. (Being sucked into a cloud can ruin your whole day.)
Kite Enterprises prepares you for this level of flight in the NOVICE or PARA2 training package.
Then you are ready to learn to fly with a power unit.
Intermediate & Advanced Training:
A pilot wishing to get training in more advanced skills can purchase an Intermediate (H3 or P3) package.
This package does not guarantee you the rating, but does offer up to a years direct and indirect supervision and mentoring while acquiring the skills and experience needed to get an intermediate rating. This includes unlimited towing at the training site, supervision of the pilot at a mountain site, and limited use of Kite Enterprises flight equipment. Subjects covered will include advanced thermalling, advanced glider launching and landing skills, cross country flight and the intermediate written exam.
Advanced training is conducted on a mentoring basis by the instructors and associates of Kite Enterprises.
Hang gliding – Kite Enterprises
Kite Enterprises
Paragliding and Hang gliding – Kite Enterprises