Bungee Jumping in Rhode Island
Bungee Jumping in Rhode Island
Bungee Jumping Locations, Companies & Bridges
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Bungee jumping is a popular sport but there are VERY few professional companies around. We understand the options available are not ideal but that’s the nature of this sport. Due to the number of bungee jumping locations, most people will need to drive 100 miles or more to jump with a professional bungee company. If this is not a feasible option, we recommend searching for a theme park nearby which offers something similar to the bungee jumping experience. You may also consider participating in another extreme sport (such as skydiving) as locations may be more readily available.
There are no business listings for bungee jumping (a.k.a. “bungy” jumping) in Rhode Island at this time. There are no bungee companies near Rhode Island either but if you plan to take a road trip or vacation, the nearest location is the Great Canadian Bungee.
The Great Canadian Bungee is located in Wakefield, Quebec. They offer bungee jumping at their stand alone bungee facility located 200 feet above a large pool of water. You can check them out in the YouTube videos below.
We do the research so you can spend less time searching and more time enjoying the extreme sports you love. We search the internet for bungee jumping locations but as new professional bungee companies become available and others do not have a well known presence, letting us know these locations will help grow the online extreme sports community. We greatly appreciate your assistance.
Are you familiar with a new or unlisted company which offers bungee jumping in Rhode Island? Please recommend a location for bungee jumping in Rhode Island.
Bungee Jumping Safety:
Modern bungee jumping is a relatively safe sport due to operators rigorously checking calculations and the bungee equipment. Injuries and death can still occur as with any sport. Many commercial operators now use full body harnesses to avoid the possibility of a jumper becoming detached from the ankle attachment.
That’s an additional step some bungee jumping operators take to ensure the safety of their jumpers. Mistakes have occurred with miscalculations and equipment errors. Injuries that occur during bungee jumping despite safety measures are upper body intravascular pressure, eyesight damage, whiplash and neck damage.
There are two types of elastic ropes used in the sport of bungee jumping: braided and unbraided. A factory produced elastic rope, used by many commercial bungee operators, is a braided shock cord consisting of many latex strands enclosed in a durable outer cover. This rope gives a harder, sharper bounce. The second type of rope consists of unbraided cords which can be home-made. This rope produces a softer, longer bounce. Many commercial bungee jumping operators use a full body harness as a backup to the ankle attachment.
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Triple Eight The Certified Sweatsaver Helmet
Triple Eight Sweatsaver Liner
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Triple Eight Gotham
Triple Eight Sweatsaver Liner
Action Cameras
GoPro Hero12 Black
GoPro HERO Session Waterproof Digital Action Camera
Contour ROAM2 Waterproof Video Camera
Bungee Jumping at Great Canadian Bungee
Bungee Jumping at Great Canadian Bungee
GoPro® HD Cameras: Bungee Jumping TV Commercial – You in HD
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