Whitewater Rafting in New Mexico
Whitewater Rafting in New Mexico
Companies & Locations
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Company: New Wave Rafting Company |
City: Embudo, New Mexico |
The location above is a business listing for whitewater rafting in New Mexico. Are you familiar with a new or unlisted company for whitewater rafting in New Mexico? Please recommend a location for whitewater rafting.
Whitewater rafting can be a difficult sport and looks much easier than it is. It takes skill to maneuver the raft to prepare for what is ahead. In this sport nature throws obstacles at you in the form of rapids, waves, fallen trees, debris, undercut rocks, drop offs, and waterfalls. An inflatable boat is most often used when there are multiple passengers. Kayaking is also popular on the rapids. Waterways are rated with Grades 1 – 6. A Grade 6 waterway is so dangerous that it’s almost impossible to safely navigate a raft. Death or serious injury are expected with a Grade 6 waterway. Are you extreme enough to ride the rapids?

River Guide Training, New Wave Rafting
Whitewater Rafting in New Mexico
Whitewater Rafting Company: | Location: | Website: |
New Wave Rafting Company |
Embudo, New Mexico 87531 |
www.newwaverafting.com |
New Wave Rafting Company: The Race Course 2012
Whitewater Rafting in New Mexico
New Wave River Company – Running the Slot on the Rio Grande River
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