Surfing in Colorado
Surfing in Colorado
Surf Shops, Locations, Surf Schools, Equipment
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Company: BC Surf & Sport |
City: Boulder, Colorado Springs, Grand Junction,Lonetree, Littleton & Broomfield, Colorado |
The locations above are business listings for surfing in Colorado. The list may not yet be complete as we are still searching for locations. Are you familiar with a new or unlisted shop for surfing in Colorado? Please recommend a company.
Different types of surfing include bodysurfing, stand up paddle surfing, paipo boarding, bodyboards, longboarding, shortboarding, tandem surfing and sidewalk surfing (skateboarding). Other objects have been used to attempt to surf such as water skiis, wood boards, guitars, wakeboards, doors, canoes, kayaks, boats and much more. These are mainly for experimentation and fun because nothing works quite like the design of the surfboard.
Surfing is more than a recreational activity for some; it’s a lifestyle. California and Hawaii offer the best wave conditions in the United States so the surf culture is most popular in those two states. Surfing is now a multi-billion dollar industry through the clothing and fashion markets.
BC Surf & Sport |
O’Neill Girls Surf Team 2011
GoPro Cameras: Dreams with Kelia MonizRoxy Wahine Classic 2011
Equipment used in Surfing
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