Surfing in Rhode Island
Surfing in Rhode Island
Surf Shops, Locations, Surf Schools, Equipment
View Map for Surfing in Rhode Island in a larger map
Company: Boardworks Elemental Surf & Skate Island Pursuit Matunuck Surf Shop Narragansett Surf & Skate Shop Peter Pan Surfing & SUP Academy Warm Winds Water Brothers Surf & Skate |
City: Tiverton, Rhode Island Middletown, Rhode Island Newport, Rhode Island Matunuck, Rhode Island Narragansett, Rhode Island Narragansett, Rhode Island Narragansett, Rhode Island Newport, Rhode Island |
The locations above are business listings for surfing in Rhode Island. The list may not yet be complete as we are still searching for locations. Warm Winds has provided us with detailed information about their company in order to better serve you. Are you familiar with a new or unlisted surf shop in Rhode Island? Please recommend a company.
Boardworks |
Elemental Surf & Skate |
Island Pursuit |
Matunuck Surf Shop |
Narragansett Surf & Skate Shop |
Peter Pan Surfing & SUP Academy |
Warm Winds |
Water Brothers Surf & Skate |
O’Neill Girls Surf Team 2011
GoPro Cameras: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii
GoPro® HD Cameras: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On Network A