Skydiving in Wisconsin
Skydiving in Wisconsin
Skydive Locations, Drop Zones, Companies, Equipment
View Map for Skydiving in Wisconsin (Central Skydiving) in a larger map
Company: Atmosphair Skydiving Center Green Bay Sky Divers Inc. Seven Hills Skydivers Sky Knights Sports Skydive Adventure Skydive Midwest Skydive Milwaukee Skydive Superior Skydive Twin Cities Skydive Wissota |
City: Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin Pulaski, Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin East Troy, Wisconsin Omro, Wisconsin Sturtevant, Wisconsin Superior, Wisconsin Baldwin, Wisconsin Cadott, Wisconsin |
The locations above are business listings for skydiving in Wisconsin. Seven Hills Skydivers and Skydive Superior have provided us with detailed information about their companies in order to better serve you. Are you familiar with a new or unlisted company or location for skydiving in Wisconsin? Please recommend a location for skydiving in Wisconsin.
It’s best to purchase your skydive directly from the company you plan to jump with. Beware of a skydiving network which claims to offer a location near you. These skydiving websites look legit which is why it’s hard to discover the company is not. There are literally HUNDREDS of these fictitious websites from this network. They will sell you a gift certificate under false pretenses. Then once you’ve paid, you are told where your drop zone is. That drop zone may be hundreds of miles away. Sometimes the location you are told to go to does not have an agreement with this skydive network and will not honor this so called gift certificate. The truth is that there is no skydiving network at a national level. They don’t give you a physical drop zone address because they don’t have one. Do not fall for their tactics. When you deceive your customers, it’s a scam plain and simple.
Atmosphair Skydiving Center |
Green Bay Skydivers Inc. |
Seven Hills Skydivers |
Skydive Adventure |
Skydive Midwest |
Skydive Milwaukee |
Skydive Superior |
Skydive Twin Cities |
Skydive Wissota |
Skydive Company: | Address / Location: |
Location: Ft. Atkinson Municipal Airport Jefferson, Wisconsin 53549 |
Location: 5847 Airport Drive Pulaski, Wisconsin |
Drop Zone Location: 7530 Wisconsin Highway 73 York Center, Wisconsin 53559 |
Location: Omro, Wisconsin 54963-9420 |
Location: 13851 56th Road Sturtevant, Wisconsin 53177 |
Location/Address: W1341 Hwy L East Troy, Wisconsin 53120 |
Location: Richard I. Bong Airport. Hangar A-7 4804 Hammond Avenue Superior, Wisconsin 54880 |
Location: 2026 County Road J Baldwin, Wisconsin 54002 |
Location: Cadott, Wisconsin 54727 |
Closed in 2009 |
Skydiving in Wisconsin – Compilation of Skydives Including Wingsuits & Helicopters
for the 50th Anniversary of Seven Hills Skydivers in Wisconsin
Skydiving in Wisconsin with a Compilation of Videos from Skydive Twin Cities in Baldwin
Promotional Video for Skydiving in Wisconsin with Sky Nights Sports Parachute Club in East Troy
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