Skydiving in New York
Skydiving in New York
Skydive Locations, Drop Zones, Companies, Equipment
View Map for Skydiving in New York in a larger map
Company: Duanesburg Skydiving Club Finger Lakes Skydivers Frontier Skydivers Long Island Skydiving Center Mohawk Valley Skydiving Saratoga Skydiving Adventures Skydive Long Island Skydive South Shore Skydive The Ranch (Blue Sky Ranch) WNY Skydiving |
City: Duanesburg, New York Ovid, New York Newfane, New York Long Island, New York Scotia, New York Gansevoort, New York Calverton, New York Shirley, New York Gardiner, New York Albion, New York |
The locations above are business listings for skydiving in New York. Saratoga Skydiving Adventures, Skydive South Shore, Skydive The Ranch (Blue Sky Ranch) have provided us with detailed information about their companies in order to better serve you. Are you familiar with a new or unlisted company or location for skydiving in New York? Please recommend a location for skydiving in New York.
It’s best to purchase your skydive directly from the company you plan to jump with. Beware of a skydiving network which claims to offer a location near you. These skydiving websites look legit which is why it’s hard to discover the company is not. There are literally HUNDREDS of these fictitious websites from this network. They will sell you a gift certificate under false pretenses. Then once you’ve paid, you are told where your drop zone is. That drop zone may be hundreds of miles away. Sometimes the location you are told to go to does not have an agreement with this skydive network and will not honor this so called gift certificate. The truth is that there is no skydiving network at a national level. They don’t give you a physical drop zone address because they don’t have one. Do not fall for their tactics. When you deceive your customers, it’s a scam plain and simple.
Duanesburg Skydiving Club |
Finger Lakes Skydivers |
Frontier Skydivers |
Long Island Skydiving Center |
Mohawk Valley Skydiving |
Saratoga Skydiving Adventures |
Skydive Long Island |
Skydive South Shore |
Skydive The Ranch (Blue Sky Ranch) |
WNY Skydiving |
Skydive Company: | Address / Location: |
Location: 5065 Western Turnpike Duanesburg, New York 12056 |
Location: Ovid Airport Parish Road Ovid, New York 14251 |
Location: 3316 Beebe Road Newfane, New York 14108 |
Location: 91 Montauk Highway Long Island, New York |
Location: Mowhawk Valley Airport (K13) Scotia, New York 12302 |
Location: 288 Brownville Road Gansevoort, New York 12831 |
Location: 400 David Court Calverton, New York 11933 |
Location: 135 Dawn Dr. Shirley, New York 11967 |
Location: 45 Sandhill Road Gardiner, New York 12525 |
Location: Pine Hill Airport 4906 Pine Hill Rd Albion, New York 14411 |
Promotional Video for Skydiving in New York with Skydive Long Island in Calverton, New York
Skydiving in New York with Skydive South Shore – Official Promo Video
Skydiving in New York with Skydive Long Island in Calverton, New York
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